
Introducing Myself

Introducing Myself

My name’s Dominic and I recently joined the Play It Again Sport team as an Enterprise Assistant through Kickstart, My first week has been an blast and I’ve already done and enjoyed so much. I recently helped with a walking group on Tuesday and went for a leisurely stroll through Ynyshir and then helped collect donated clothing and stock for Too Good To Waste, Wednesday I helped a younger walking group as we trekked up the Maerdy reservoir and then joined in a meeting with Cambrian Trust and Friday I joined in a meeting with the full People and Work team and then worked on the Play It Again shop and website looking on how to set it up and list stuff on there. So far I have loved every bit of my daily tasks and experienced a fast paced and different style of work through Play It Again Sport, every day I’ve done something new and it’s made the experience great and different, it’s not just the work though but also the people that I work around that make working with Play It Again Sport an absolute joy. I feel so privileged to help make my community a better place and help those that are in need around me, I’m so happy to be a part of the team and a part of Play It Again Sport.